Our Applications Cover Diverse Corporate Markets

Our Applications Cover Diverse Corporate Markets

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I.F.D.E.S. Portuguese Hall – Gilroy

Celebrating our Portuguese Heritage, Culture & Pride since 1888

Holy Ghost

The celebration of the Holy Ghost has been in California since the late 1800’s. However, the tradition originally began during the fourteenth century in the country of Portugal by Queen St. Isabel. Portuguese or not, everyone is welcomed to attend the Holy Ghost “Festa”!

Hall Rental

We have a large hall, that is ideal for social events. Our IFDES Lodge Portuguese Hall features include bar and kitchen facilities, stage, cleanup, security guard services, available for rental for events including Weddings, Dances, Quinceaneras, birthdays, special occasions, Community events. Interested in renting our Hall? Please complete our Hall Rental Application form or call (408) 842-4389 if you have any questions


We welcome new members to join the IFDES Lodge Portuguese Hall of Gilroy in celebrating and promoting Portuguese culture. Center membership is intended for individuals, couples and families who share an interest in and commitment to the preservation and promotion of Portuguese culture and history. Family members 18 and under are automatically included as nonvoting Center members.


Complete our Hall Rental Application or call  (408) 842-4389

I.F.D.E.S. (Irmandade da Festa do Divino Espirito Santo de Gilroy, California).

This corporation was formed “for charitable and benevolent purposes, social purposes, recreation amongst its members, to teach and promote the Catholic religion amongst its members, and for the purpose of the annual Holy Ghost Festa

Membership Opportunity

We welcome new members who share an interest in and commitment to the preservation and promotion of Portuguese culture and history.